Ballad Of... is a network of artists with a magazine full of all things creative! We would like to extend our welcome and invite you to contribute... Anything goes, if its interesting, we're interested.
Much Love x
First off we would like to thank everyone for all the hard work and the next issue is at the printers as we speak!
There are a few examples of the excellent work which we recieved on our facebook page. So a sneaky peak of Ballad Of...Tommy Lane for you to feast your eyes on.
Secondly...our next issues (the 3rd) theme is 'I remember when...' So think magical, childhood, fantasy (you get the picture) so we would love to see your ideas and images at
thirdly...for this issue we are going to use secrets as an we want any secrets you guys have (they will all be kept under lock and key, so no one will find out its you) They will be published, obviously without the author. So send us yours to and we might just tell you ours!
Ballad Of... was born out of frustration. It is a collection of artists who collaborate to make exciting and challenging work - the culmination of which is the quarterly publication. Ballad Of... is now available at, The Tate Modern and RD Franks.