Monday, 22 June 2009

'Ballad Of...instrumental version'

Take a peek at our music blog, we are always on the look out for bands to feature and review so drop our music editor, Camille, a quick message to see how you can get involved:


 'Ballad couturier'

Visit our fashion blog:

Or drop our fashion editor Lucy a line on


Who Is Mary Maud?

Who is she? WHO IIIIS SHE?? She is who we have named our first publication after. She is a tinker. She won't let us forget she's about.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009


Hello lovely people,

Ballad Of...Mary Maud is out now...visit to get your copy, or email for more info!


Come and join us for Fussy Frocks and Fancy Footwork..

Claire's Scrap Book

Nan Goldin: Arles...cannot wait! xc
Goldie Hawn: My heroin


Stefania Paparelli: 'No such thing as Heather Fields' try and google it! Pretty pretty, moody moody. Guna get on a train from Arles and find some of these wonderful phenomenon's. Lavender- doh! Heh heh.

Florence & the Machine: I'm all about the piccas :P

Tracey Emin:

Egon Schiele: 'What Klimt wasn't brave enough to be'

Ballad Of...The Picture Junkie :P - That is alllll I am...obsessed with the visual :)

Friday, 12 June 2009

Creative Protege Ltd - CHECK THESE GUYS OUT!!!

Creative Protege was specifically designed to help Graduates / Juniors within the creative sector onto the industry job ladder. They take live briefs from some of the top design agencies across the UK and pass them onto our grads / juniors to work on in order to get experience on their CVs and commercially viable portfolios with great brands on them.

They act as a virtual agency - you can work at home in your own time whilst we account manage the process. Even though all the work is voluntary, you can list us as a current employer on your CV breaking the catch 22...
Their company is for young people, ran by creative specialists and all contributors are welcome..

Their mission is to rebrand the creative graduate and have the industry take a fresh look at the future talent of the sector...

Don't miss an amazing opportunity it will benefit you 100%

love love xx

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Ballad Hearts You

Just what it says on the tin....

Monday, 8 June 2009

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Mary Maud is almost here

Mary Maud is nigh...We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their amazing efforts, the work has been outstanding, it was so hard to choose what went into the final publication! But here we go, finally...the list of contributors for Ballad Of Mary Maud:

Ninette Schostack

Emil Charlaff

Roger Renberg

Christopher Kennedy

Lindsey Jade

Ed Watts

Eve Lacey

Louise Cornish

Alexis Dolman

Emily Owens

Emer Hawkins

Christopher Kippax

Josh Armitage

Einar Aslaksen

Katherine Cowell

Catherine Aguilar

Louisa Gray

Vicky Scott

Katie Wright

Catherine B

Sam Dowling

Marjo Loponen

Annette Mangseth

Nina Wagner

Amandine P.

Vorawat Prechawattanachai

Mandeep Natt

Marc Sansome

Phil Chennells

Christina Economidou

Adam Del Core

It is a really amazing issue, we're really proud of it! Thank you to everyone for your contributions. We're only sorry that there wasn't room for everyone. We'll just have to make the next issue double the size!

Love x